Restoring Optimal Gut Health

Changes to our modern lifestyle have resulted in the loss of important gut microbes.

Changes to our modern lifestyle – including bleaching of fresh foods, antibiotic treatments, long term use of medications, and dietary alterations – have resulted in the loss of important gut microbes.

Prevatex has an advanced, patent-protected portfolio of Prevotella-based probiotic products to help.

We are ready to manufacture at scale and exploring commercial partnerships.

Intellectual Property
We have licensed
, and are expanding, a suite of intellectual property that cover Prevotella-based products designed to address the risk of children developing food allergies and behavioural conditions in the first years of life. And that’s just the beginning.

Prevatex has secured a manufacturing partnership agreement with Australia’s largest and most reputable probiotics manufacturing facility, allowing for immediate production of our products at scale.

Commercial Partnerships
We are engaging in productive discussions with market leaders in over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, and consumer goods, with a focused goal to develop and co-market the first Prevotella-base
d probiotic products.

With the probiotic market valued at more than US$50B (2021), there is an exciting opportunity to partner with Prevatex; to make and market its products; and improve gut health for everyone.